WARNING: this may be a SUPER LONG post...but stick around because you may learn some good Juice about me ;-) Oh, & all of my wonderful award givers have great blogs, so you'll like the linky love too. So here goes nothin'...

It's for those who give lovely and witty comments and for always knowing the right thing to say at the right time. Hmmm, who me, hehe? This lil' guy is just darlin' isn't he? Anyone need a hug :-)
So I'm supposed to pick 10 peeps I appreciate...
This beautiful POP-TASTIC AWARD...

...was given to me by Rooks Paper Scissors! Oh, you just know how I love bright colors (& Veggies)...she gets me, she really gets me, hehe!
Here is her post and as part of the fun, I get to pass the award along to 6 creative bloggers...
Katy's Gonna be a Mom must have known I love lemonade...because she sent this award my way! Here's the post.
'If life hands you lemons, make lemonade' AWARD

The rules are that I put the logo on my blog, and I have to nominate 10 blogs that I read that show a great attitude!
Bee and Rose gave me some love here. She even broke the rules a bit, thanks girl ;-)


Why Tara, that is just too kind...Fabulous! Not many times in my life have I been called Fabulous so let me savor this moment, hehe. To check this original post, click here. And if there is only one link you will click, in all this craziness...this should be the one. It's Kidz, her other blog. Just give it a click to see why!
Kathleen from Measuring my Life in Love was a swap partner of mine during the Holiday season and what a cute blog she has. She was so sweet as to send me this too.

"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
I was tagged by Whimsical Stars a while back and then won a giveaway of one of her cool photographs, woo hoo! She tagged me here...
I was also tagged by a fellow Etsymom CinnamonSpice here!
...and here are the rules!
~ Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
1. I am a romantic and love being wined and dined by my husband, hehe. But what girl doesn't I suppose?
2. I am always the youngest out of all my friends (especially out of my oldest daughters mommy friends). And that's fine by me...it's been like this most of my life. I started college when I was 17 and met my husband shortly after...he was a older junior. I was 20 when I had my first and she's 8 now...can you guess how old I am?
3. My new fav magazine is 'Artful Blogging' published by Stampington & Company. Click the link, I'll bet you'll love it to. The Spring 2009 issue just came out but I haven't been able to snag a copy yet. Review to follow...
4. I keep an inspiration journal for many of my craft ideas.
5. I am a 'LOST' addict & love following 'Suessing out Lost'. The only other two shows I watch are 'Grey's Anatomy' & 'Desperate Housewives,' oh the drama ;-)
6. I am also addicting to making things for my shop. I feel stress If I don't make or post something everyday. I know, wierd...
7. I love McDonalds Sweet Tea, yum! And the food is so yucky for you but I eat it several times a month at least :-( Help.....
Last but not least...my girl over at the Copper Cauldron left me with this!

She may just be the coolest bloggy pal I ever know, hehe.
Thanks to EVERYONE who gave me some bloggy love, I really do appreciate you. I try and comment back on all comments I receive too but lately have found myself wanting to spend more quality time with my girls and my man! So if I don't visit as often as I used too, know that I still check in on you and always leave love as I can! I'm trying to get into a routine where I set aside time every day to visit...we'll see if it works ;-)
And I'm going to keep it simple and pick only 10 blogs that I love (I know I've tagged some of you before, but I just can't help myself, hehe)...then they can come here and choose whichever tag or award they want to keep for themselves.
Here they are in no particular order:
Have a great day...I'm off to tag everyone!!
Who Me? You are so nice! Thank you so much! I am t-e-r-r-i-b-l-e at tagging and returning the favor...just know that I heart you back in a big way!
Awe..thanks Jamie! I love your blog too!!
Hey, thanks so much Jamie!
I picked up the butterfly award and am puttin' it on my awards page!
You rock, girl!
Oh sweet! Thanks cuz! I think i want the butterfly one just cuz it's pretty....haha.
A lovely fairy (you) sprinkles her magic for all to seeeee and share!!!
You are a love!! xoxo
(I LOVE shopping too, and I either do it compulsively, or not at all) ;) ;)
i too love your blog.
and i love you more for not tagging me! :)
mY goodness you are racking up with the tags! I am afraid to go to Vegas in fear that I will spend my life away! I go on the cruises here in Florida because you only have 4 hours to play on the slots and back home you go! :)
A slot slut and a homebody.
That's for visiting my blog.
Wow, you got a lot of awards!! Thanks for including me, I love yours too!
You are a blog ROCKSTAR! Congratulations on your many awards! That is awesome! I loved your honest scrap!
I am very excited about getting my magnet!!!!!!
Day 2 of the Where’s Wenda? Contest is here. Today, I am visiting all of the SITStas that commented on Hot Chocolate Caramel Mocha. That means you! Thanks so much for stopping by and for being a great SISta! -Wenda
Stopping by in search of Wenda.
I enjoyed your blog.
Wow, all those awards are MUCH better than the science fair trophy I got in elementary school! Anyhow, thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower :) I checked out your ETSY store--very cute stuff! I bookmarked it so I can go back for b-day shopping!
congrats on your well deserved awards! it is great to get to know mroe about you. i wish I was the way you are about clutter and cleaner. i'm also a procrastinator!
Congrats on all those nifty awards. And, I am a secret cartoon fan, too! I hope you visit me on my 100th post on Monday. I'm having a Blog Jog, my attempt to visit 100 blogs in a day. Crazy lady that I am.
and omg, you should get an award just for posting all this! lol!:)
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